
J.K Rowling built website for selling her novels

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows will be on screen on cenima next week. J.K Rowling recently announced that she has ended her contract with publisher Christopher Little. This summer, "Harry Potter" was full of ending meanings.

J · K · Rowling's spokesman on Saturday a JK Rowling has confirmed the news to leave old club, and that she will be the next agent Neil Blair.

She does not have former publisher of electronic books copyright, therefore, through sales of Rowling's novel approach Pottermore website publishers will undoubtedly cause a huge impact.

Blair's decision to launch Pottermore in Rowling's when he started to work closely with her, this site will be a series of video games and exclusive content not published novel.

Rowling first published in 1996, "Harry Potter" novel, "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" when it began to establish trust and cooperation Christopher, now seven, "Harry Potter" series of novels total sales volume has exceeded 400 million, "Harry Potter" series of films global box office has reached 36 billion pounds.

